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Great Big Green Week Event


In June 2023, as part of the Great Big Green Week (which is the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature), CTICA provided a Saturday event where people from the local community could come and find out more about what they could do to prevent climate change.

This was a family drop-in event with the purpose of raising awareness about environmental issues and ways in which we can live more sustainably while protecting creation in a world of limited resources, increasing energy demands and costs, and in light of global warming. We are aware that God created our world, made us stewards of it and expects to look after what he has given us, while showing his love to our neighbours and those affected worldwide by our misuse of its limited resources.

There were a number of information stalls featuring gardening ideas, local businesses and charities that run sustainability projects and guest speakers were invited to speak about different projects too.

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